HomeLink Sections | HomeLink Topics | HomeLink Content |
1. | Rules of the road. | Explaining the meaning of various traffic lights. |
2. | Vehicle handling. | Right turns at traffic lights and left turns at a stop sign. |
3. | Driver behaviour. | Responding to emergencies, how to avoid head-on and rear-end collisions. |
4. | The vehicle and its components. | Communication devices, and myths and facts related to the use of seatbelts. |
5. | Perception and risk management. | Proactive vs reactive driving actions, driving emergencies, road rage, decision-making, and collision scenario analysis. |
6. | Sharing the road with all road users. | Sharing the road with pedestrians, how to pass traffic safely, cooperative driving and defensive driving, and sharing the road fundamentals. |
7. | Different points of attention a driver will experience. | Listing inside and outside vehicle distractions, myths and facts related to impairment, strategies to avoid impaired driving, types of impairment. |
8. | Respect and responsibilities in the driving environment. | The benefits of fuel-efficient driving and fuel-efficient driving techniques. |